Rental Car Scams and Tips to Avoid Them

Rental Car Scams and Tips to Avoid Them

Are you excited about getting a car on a lease? Before one goes ahead with the booking, it is necessary to read this article to gain crucial information about common scams in the industry. If you are booking a vehicle for the first time, you may fall prey to cheap tricks and scams by less reputable companies. Opt for the best rent a car Dubai services for professional services. Let’s look at the common scams in this article:

Not Giving Insurance Benefits To Customers

Customers are often trapped by some companies saying they don’t have any insurance. The company will say that the customer’s insurance is not valid. They will look for ways to extract money from the customer and make him/her pay all the money for the insurance that the company’s insurance is supposed to cover. Enquire about the insurance beforehand and strictly decline any payment demands in the name of insurance.

Charging Customers for the Damage They Aren’t Responsible for

Sometimes customers collect vehicles that already have some damage in the form of a scratch or dent. But on returning the vehicle, customers are blamed for the damage and asked for compensation. This is an unfair practice adopted by deceptive companies. An individual should take photographs of the vehicle before driving away so there is documented evidence of already existing damages. This will ensure customers are charged only for new damages, if any, and not tricked into paying for old damages.

Charging for Damaged Locks

This is another shady tactic employed by some companies. Cars today function on remote locks. But some companies will give away cars with damaged locks and put the blame on customers. Customers won’t test the key as they rely on the remote lock system. The company will trick the customers into believing they damaged the lock and charge for the same. The best way to avoid this is to test the key and lock before driving away even if the car runs on a remote lock system.

There are many such shady tactics and scams that customers fall for even when it is not their first time renting a car. Some companies are smart enough to trick customers into paying more money. Being careful and proactive is the only way to save yourself from such scams. Especially when renting premium cars like a Mazda car rental Dubai, one needs to be alert. While returning the car, make sure you are returning to genuine company representatives. Mistakes during return are also common and bogus companies are waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of naive customers.